Nearly a week after it was hacked, Italy-based spy software company Hacking Team has said that it suspects a foreign government was behind the attack. "Given its complexity, I think that the attack must have been carried out at a government level, or by someone who has huge funds at their disposal," said Hacking Team's CEO David Vincenzetti without taking any names. Hacking Team is also advising all clients to stop using the company's software until it is upgraded. "Hacking Team's investigation has determined that sufficient code was released to permit anyone to deploy the software against any target of their choice," the company said. "Terrorists, extortionists and others can deploy this technology at will if they have the technical ability to do so." If you aren't in the know, the Italian company makes surveillance tools that are used by several governments around the world. It's also worth mentioning that France-based NGO Reporters Without Borders, in its 2012 report, had named Hacking Team as one of five private-sector "Corporate Enemies of the...
Source: http://www.gsmarena.com/hacking_team_breach_ceo_suspects_foreign_governments_hand-news-13007.php