Days after the Reno13 and Reno13 Pro launched in India, Oppo is introducing two new models in the series – one 5G phone, one 4G, both marked with the letter F. They are nearly the same device, except for the different chipsets inside them. Oppo Reno13 F • Oppo Reno13 F 5G The Oppo Reno13 F 5G is powered by the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset, while its 4G sibling uses the Helio G100. Both are paired with LPDDR4X RAM (2,133MHz), 8/12GB in the case of the 5G phone, just 8GB for the 4G one. There is a more pronounced difference in storage, the 5G uses faster UFS 3.1 (128/256/512GB), while...