'But does it run DOOM?' We've heard this question probably as many times as 'Will it blend?'. Around the turn of the decade each electronic device had this initiation ritual, which required passing a very simple test - running the old-school classic DOOM. The latest devices to past the test are Apple TV and Apple Watch. A few developers from Facebook's office managed to port DOOM on both devices. It took them about 10 hours of hacking, but in the end - it is possible to have DOOM up and running on your Apple TV and Apple Watch. John Carmack's classic has gained a legendary status over the years and even today we are still witnessing people porting the game over various devices. There are even printers running the thing already. Here is hoping the microwave ovens are next, we know many people out there have been waiting patiently for this upgrade. Source |...
Source: http://www.gsmarena.com/watch_doom_running_on_apple_tv_and_apple_watch-news-14305.php