Amazon slashed 25% of the prices of the core Xperia line - that's the Xperia X, X Performance and XA. Understandably, the latest additions to the line (XZ and X Compact) are not included, but it's strange that the XA Ultra isn't included either. And the new prices are even lower than the previous cuts - for example, the Xperia X got reduced to $390 but is now $350. The XA sub-line is also included in the discounts, here is the table that gives you at a glance. Note that we've linked only one color for each phone, but all colors are discounted. .xperia-table td a { font-size: 1.5em;...
Source: http://www.gsmarena.com/amazon_us_further_discounts_sony_xperia_x_x_performance_and_xa-news-21113.php