Twitter has updated the iOS version of its Periscope video streaming app with a couple of new features, including the ability to mute notifications and control language settings. The update bumps the app to version 1.1.3. The updated app contains a new notification setting that allows you to mute those who broadcast too often - their broadcasts will still appear in your feed, but you will not receive push notifications when they go live. In addition, you'll now also be able to set your language preference in your profile settings, something which will in turn influence which broadcasts appear in your global list. Moving on, the new version also displays viewer statistics when you view your past broadcasts. And finally, the update also adds Handsoff support, allowing you to easily switch between devices while watching a broadcast. All that's required is that the devices should be running iOS 8 or OS X, have Bluetooth turned on, and are logged in to the same iCloud account. Source | Image...