LastPass becomes free on smartphones or tablets for new users

Despite some hiccups, LastPass is one of the most popular password managers out there. And today it's introduced some significant changes to how its freemium app model works. Up until now, LastPass was free for desktops and laptops, but if you wanted to use it on your smartphone or tablet you had to go the Premium route, which costs $12 per year. From this point on, you'll be able to use LastPass for free on the class of device you've signed up on. So, new users who get started on a smartphone will be able to use the app for free, not only on that smartphone, but on any other smartphone they may own - with password syncing between them built-in. Similarly, if you create your account on a tablet, the app will be free to use on all your tablets. And if you sign up from a computer, you'll get free use on all computers you have. If, however, you want to benefit from password syncing between your smartphones, tablets, and computers, then you'll still need to pony up the $12 per year and get the Premium plan. This comes with a 14-day free trial. All of the above applies only to new users. Existing users will see nothing change in the way they are able to take advantage of LastPass. Essentially, existing users are thrown into the "got started on a computer" category, so use (and syncing) between computers is free, while for everything else you need to pay. LastPass says it's targeting "mobile-only" users with these changes, making it possible for them to use the app for...


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