Nintendo's first mobile game Miitomo launching next week

Back in January, Nintendo confirmed that its first mobile game - dubbed Miitomo - will launch in March. And now, the Japanese company has revealed the launch date: March 17, which is Thursday next week. The revelation was made in a Tweet. スマホアプリ『Miitomo』の配信開始日が、2016年3月17日(木)に決定しました。なお、事前登録については3月16日の昼12時に受付終了しますので、お早めにご登録ください。— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) March 11, 2016 The game was initially set to arrive at the end of the last year, but was delayed to March citing promotional reasons. Pre-registrations for the app began last month, and they'll be closed on March 16, a day before the launch. As we've already told you before, Miitomo doesn't appear to be a game in true sense - it's more of a chat app that allows users to create and customize their Miis, through which they interact with other users in real...


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