Telegram has released an update which brings important features to group users. Those who use supergroups might be glad they can now contain up to 5000 members from the previous 1000 member limit. Supergroup admins can now also pin posts. These posts stay at the top of the screen and can also alert users even if they have muted the group. Supergroups can now also become public. You can share the URL, allowing anyone to join. If someone gets annoying, you can use the admin controls to delete their messages, ban them, mark them as spam, and remove all their messages in the group at once. These features are limited to supergroups but you can convert any group to a supergroup now. The update is live on the App Store and Play Store but the public group feature is only available in Europe and America for now. Source
Source: http://www.gsmarena.com/telegram_gets_public_groups_pinned_posts_and_5000_member_supergroups-news-17214.php