Weekly poll results: The best screen size is between 5" and 5.3"

After a week of voting, there's a clear favorite for the best smartphone screen size. It falls somewhere between 5" and 5.3", where well-known flagships fall - LG G5, Samsung Galaxy S7, Sony Xperia Z5, Huawei P9 and many more fall in that size range, which took half of the votes. The other half is almost evenly split between the sub-5" genre and the 5.4" to 5.7" segment, with a preference for the larger phones. The 5.8" and over juggernauts scored a lowly 6%, showing actual consumer demands lag behind the ambitious sizes that Android manufacturers are pushing. Apple iPhone...

Source: http://www.gsmarena.com/weekly_poll_results_the_best_screen_size_is_between_5_and_53-news-18002.php

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