Teaser image confirms the Samsung Galaxy Note7 name

How does this go again? 1, 360, One? One, One (M8), One M9? Zenfone 4, 5, 6... 2, 3..? We swear tech companies are really bad at counting up, now it seems Samsung is having a go. We've already heard talk that the new Note will be "Galaxy Note7" to match the Galaxy S7. Now there's this image to back up the claims. We have doubts as to its authenticity as it will take 5 minutes to replicate in Photoshop. That doesn't mean the rumor itself is false, however. Either way, things are going to get awkward next year as there is already a Galaxy Note 8.0. Here the number indicates size...

Source: http://www.gsmarena.com/teaser_image_maybe_confirms_the_samsung_galaxy_note7_name-news-18676.php

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