Windows 10 has just pulled ahead of both Windows XP and Windows 8.1 for the first time in terms of market share. The analysts from NetMarketShare now put Microsoft's latest OS version at 11.85% market share, when XP stands at 11.42%, and 8.1 is at 10.40%. document.getElementById("na635899241222310000").src="http://www.netmarketshare.com/report.aspx?qprid=10"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qptimeframe=M"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpsp=204"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpch=350"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpdt=1"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpct=3"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpcustomd=0"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpcid=fw201662"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpf=16"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpwidth=728"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpdisplay=1111"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"qpmr=10"+String.fromCharCode(38)+"site="+window.location.hostname Windows 7 remains in a dominant position, running on more than half the desktops in the world. Its 52.47% share in January, however, marks a downward trend in its share. Approaching its 20th anniversary, Windows 98 can still be found running on the occasional PC, but it's not enough to make it past the 0.01% mark, unlike Windows 2000, which has coasted around, but above that number for a while now. Meanwhile Mac OS X 10.10 and 10.11 have both climbed in market share reaching a combined value of 5.77%, versus 5.22% the month before. Source |...
Source: http://www.gsmarena.com/windows_10_inches_towards_a_12_share_now_ahead_of_xp-news-16372.php