5.1 miles per year is how much a Brit scrolls on their smartphone

Now here's a statistic you didn't expect (before you saw it in the title, anyway) - the average Brit scrolls through their smartphone at a pace of 5.149 miles per year (or 8.286km). Simple math then indicates 22.7 meters per day per person. For the entire United Kingdom that makes a total of 210 million miles of scrolling each year. Does scrolling through the task manager count? The odd research has been commissioned by Tesco Mobile and carried out by blogger Leo Qin. The data scientist has also figured out that each day every Brit scrolls through 62,000 words, "the same as getting...

Source: http://www.gsmarena.com/51_miles_per_year_is_how_much_a_brit_scrolls_on_their_smartphone-news-19636.php

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