Gilded iPhone 7 on pre-order - 7, Plus and Pro, 256GB rumored too

There's no waiting in line if you're rich enough - affluent buyers can now pre-order an iPhone 7, 7 Plus or 7 Pro (yes, three versions, despite rumors claiming the contrary), courtesy of Goldgenie. Those iPhones are, of course, adorned with the contents of a pirate's treasure chest - gold, diamonds, Swarovski crystals (hey, it's a trendy pirate, okay). At least there's no mother of pearl this time. Anyway, the iPhone 7 has a 4.7" screen, while the iPhone 7 Plus and 7 Pro are at 5.5". Storage options are 64GB and 128GB, no 32GB. However, another leak tells a different story. A...


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