Skype now has a share button of its own

If when you see those Facebook and Twitter share buttons across the Web the first thing that comes to your mind is "why doesn't Skype have one?", then you'll be happy to know that Microsoft has obliged. The Skype team has announced its own share button today, one that webmasters can add to their websites (naturally). And when you, a visitor of a website, click or tap on that Skype share button, you can easily share the content with your friends. Here's what happens. After you click or tap on the button, a window comes up onto the page asking you to sign in to Skype. After you do that, you need to pick one or more Skype friends you'd like to share with, and then just hit Send. You can even add a message to be shared along with the link. Skype says its button "works great for both desktop and mobile sites", and there are several versions of it for you to choose from (if you're a developer). All the necessary information for adding the Skype share button to your website can be found here. The button is already live on (yes, it still exists, amazingly), as well as And you should probably expect to see it in a lot more places very...


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